Mandelas Garden课件.ppt

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Mandela’s Garden by Nelson Mandela (1993 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate) Mandela’s Garden Background Information Warming-up questions Structure analysis Text appreciation Language understanding Warming-up questions How much do you know about Nelson Mandela? What do you think is his greatest contribution to his country and whole human being? What personality do you find about Mandela from the text? Do you find any charisma of him as a leader and husband? Structure Language understanding 1. The end of manual work is liberating. I felt liberated from the manual work. I found Dickens’s novel very interesting. I was ____. The news was very disappointing. I felt terribly ______. The result is a bit surprising. Everybody was ______. The whole experience was exciting. We all got extremely ______. 2. to survive in prison vi. to remain alive or in existence: 洪水过后,生还者极少。 ----Few survived after the flood. ----Books have survived from the time of the Egyptians. vt. to live longer than; outlive: 他比妻子多活好多年。 ----He survived his wife for many years. to live or persist through 经过暴风雨袭击, 这所房屋并未倒塌。 ----The house survived the storm. the survival of the fittest, hopes of survival the only survivor of the shipwreck send help to the survivors of the earthquake 3. …one must develop ways to take satisfaction in one’s daily life. take satisfaction in (doing) sth. to learn to enjoy sth. more phrases: find satisfaction in feel satisfaction at to sb.s satisfaction (to the satisfaction of sb.) satisfy, satisfied, satisfying, satisfactory, satisfaction I had a feeling of _________ when the work was finished. Mr. Knight give a __________ smile. All the information was not enough to _______ me. I am not ________ with the present situation. After a _________ meal, you no longer feel hungry. That certainly seems a __________ explanation. He is an enthusiastic reformer __ _heart. I must get this poem __ _heart. The words were spoken ___ _the depths of her heart. He


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