Model-Based Resource Provisioning for a Web Service Util课件.ppt

Model-Based Resource Provisioning for a Web Service Util课件.ppt

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Model-Based Resource Provisioning for a Web Service Utility Ron Doyle*, Jeff Chase, Omer Asad, Wei Jin, Amin Vahdat Internet Systems and Storage Group Department of Computer Science Duke University Internet Service Utilities Utility Resource Management Goal: meet contractual service quality (SLA) targets under changing load; use resources efficiently. Approach: assign each hosted service a dynamic “slice” of resources. Combine “slivers” of shared servers, i.e., CPU time and memory. Resource containers [Banga99], VMware ESX [Waldspurger02], PlanetLab Assign shares of storage server I/O throughput. Given the mechanisms for performance isolation and proportional sharing, how do we set the knobs? Adaptive Multi-Resource Provisioning This work addresses resource allocation policy for multiple resources, with a focus on memory storage. 1. Provisioning: how much? [Muse SOSP01] 2. Assignment: which servers and storage units? Model-Based Provisioning Resources interact in complex ways to determine overall service performance. Goals Research question: how can a resource manager incorporate these models when they exist? Manage multiple resources for diverse system goals. Meet SLA targets for response time Use surplus to optimize global average response time, yield, or value. Adjust to constraints discovered during assignment. Storage-aware caching [Forney03] Demonstrate that even simple models are a powerful basis for dynamic resource management. Non-goals We are NOT trying to: build better models (you can plug in your favorite) parameterize or adapt models online from system observations manage network bandwidth schedule resources within each slice solve the assignment problem (bin-packing) allocate resources across the wide area make probabilistic performance guarantees Assume stable average case behavior at each load level, and provision for average response time. System Context Enforcing Slices Our prototype uses the Dash Web server [Asad02] to enforce resource cont


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