Me and My Value System我和我的价值观课件.ppt

Me and My Value System我和我的价值观课件.ppt

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Me and My Value System 我和我的价值观 Introduction 引言: “Spending Your Life” Game “花费你的生命券”游戏 What is your life worth? 你的生命价值是什么? What would it cost to buy you? 买你要多少钱? In groups discuss 小组讨论: What was your favorite purchase? 什么是你买的最满意的? Do you have any regrets concerning what you purchased? 对你买的东西是否有后悔的? Are there any rules to this game that you would like to change? 有没有什么规则是你愿意改变的? Questions 问题: How many of you had difficulty deciding what to choose in the game we just played? 在刚才的游戏中,有多少人觉得很难决定选择什么? Would you say there were right choices versus wrong choices? Why? 你能说这些选择有对错之分么?为什么? How do we determine what is “right”? 我们如何确定什么是“正确的”? Values 价值观 How would you define a value system? What is a value? 你怎样定义价值观?什么是价值观? What is valuable to you? 对你来说什么是有价值的? A. Two types of people 两种人 1. People who live life without any deep meaning and values. 没有任何深意和价值观生活的人。 2. People who live life according to values and standards they have chosen to follow. 按照自己选择去遵循的价值观和 标准生活的人。 B. We all have some kind of value system and character traits. 我们都有某种价值观或者说品格特征。 1. These are clearly reflected in the decisions we make. 它们清楚地反映在我们的决定中。 Case Study 案例研究: Five passengers are stranded in a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean. There is a baby about 3 years old, a man about 65, the 30-year old mother of the baby, a young man about 20 and a teenager. They only have enough food and water for four of them to make it to a nearby island (according to their map). If you were in the boat, what would you do? If one of you had to get out of the boat, so the others would live, who would you choose and why? 5个人被困在大洋中的一个小救生艇里,其中有一个3岁大的婴孩,一个65岁的老人,婴孩30岁的母亲,一个20岁的年轻男人和一个10多岁的少年。他们的食物和水只够维持其中四个人支撑到一个附近的小岛(根据他们的地图)。如果你在船里,你会怎样做呢?如果你们其中的一个必须离船以确保其他人能够生存,你会选择谁?为什么? Questions 问题: Considering it individually, without discussing with anyone else, who would you choose? why? 独立思考,不与他人讨论,你会选择谁?为什么? Discuss your answer in the small group, try to come to


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