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25 11 Vo.l 25 No. 11 2009 6 CH INA WATER & WASTEWATER Jun. 2009 1 2 2 彭 森 , 谭春晓, 刘 星 ( 1. 天津大学 环境科学与工程学院, 天津 300072; 2. 天津市城市规划设计研究院 工程所, 天津 300201) : 在城市景观水 的设计过程中, 为解决其封闭缓流问题, 需探讨建立景观水 循环 模式流场分析和优化的方法以北方某城市拟建设的景观水 为例, 首先根据水 各部分的特点 建立相应的循环模式, 然后利用 F luent软件建立流场分析模型, 并对流场进行优化, 以增强水 的 循环流动, 为城市景观水 的设计与建设提供参考 : 景观水 ; 循环; 流场; 计算流 动力学 : TU991 : C : 1000- 4602( 2009) 11- 0095- 03 Study on C ircu lationM ode and F low F ield Analysis of Land scape W ater Body 1 2 2 PENG Sen , TAN C unxiao, LIU X ing ( 1. School of Env ironm ental Sc ience and T echnology, Tianj in Univ ersity, T ianj in 300072, Ch ina; 2. Eng ineering D ep artm en,t T ianj in Urban P lanning and D esig n nstitute, T ianj in 300201, Ch ina) Abs tract: T e met ods for establis ing circu lation modes, analyzing and optmi izing flow field of landscapew ater body are d iscussed to solve t e problem t atmost of t e urban landscapew ater is isolated or slow ly flow s. T aking a landscapew ater body in one nort ern city for examp le, t e correspond ing circu lation modew as establis ed according to t e c aracteristics of d ifferent parts of t e landscape w ater body, t e flow field analysismodelw asmade by using t e F luent CFD softw are and t e flow fieldw as optmi ized to en ance t e circulation, provid ing a reference for t e design and construction of landscape w ater. K ey w ords: landscapew ater; circulation; flow field; CFD 1 研究内容与方法 [ 1] , 11


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