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学 士 学 位 论 文 文题目: 姓 名: 学 号: 院 系: 专 业: 指导教师: 二〇〇 八 年 六 月 Writing Identities: Wilde the Father, the Irish and the Male-lover in The Happy Prince and Other Tales by Xiao Yizhi Supervised by Lu Wei Submitted to the English Department in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts at Beijing Language and Culture University May 2008 摘要 奥斯卡王尔德一生声名显赫却又不乏争议。作为英国唯美主义运动的代表,王尔德不遗余力地向公众传播“美”的概念,同时作为一名剧作家,王尔德重新振兴了英国的喜剧传统。在他生活的年代,王尔德受到了众人的追捧,成为文学史上的一颗明星。但是,他又是一名同性恋者,而正是通过对他的判决,同性恋问题才被公众所关注。同时,作为一名在英国的爱尔兰人,王尔德也是爱尔兰独立运动的支持者,不过长期以来,王尔德爱尔兰人的身份却被人忽略了。最后,同性恋的王尔德也是两个孩子的父亲,他作为父亲的经历自然也异于常人。正是因为王尔德出色的文学成就和如此众多的边缘身份—爱尔兰人,同性恋者—对王尔德身份问题的探讨一直是学界的焦点。但是,对他身份的讨论大多集中在他的小说或者戏剧作品中,比如说在《不可儿戏》和《道林格雷的画像》中探寻隐含的同性恋文本,而他的第一部作品集,《快乐王子和其他故事》童话集却少有人问津。但正是这本文集确立了王尔德的作家声誉,而且这本书也出版于王尔德成为父亲三年之后,也是他第一次同性恋经历两年之后,因此,它对于王尔德身份构建的重要性不应被忽略。通过对童话文本从王尔德的身份角度进行解读,本文试图证明王尔德不但清楚童话不仅仅是儿童的读物,它也可以用来表达严肃的思想,而且基于这点,他也通过童话的写作来确立了自己的不同身份。 关键词:奥斯卡王尔德;童话;身份 Abstract Oscar Wilde is famous and controversial. He is the Aesthetic Movement personified and wrote plays that revived the comedy tradition of the English drama. His witty remarks impressed the common people as well as the aristocrat. His trial brought homosexuality into public attention. He was also the father of two boys and an Irishman in England. His multiple identities have been inviting critics to construct a Wildean identity ever since. Reading The Importance of Being Earnest and The Portrait of Dorian Gray as encoded homosexual texts is the most typical example. In the 1990s alone, “three ‘new paradigms’” emerged in Wilde criticism: “the Gay Wilde, the Irish Wilde, Wilde and Consumerism” However, the scholarly interpretation has been confined to Wilde’s plays and novels, and scant attention has been paid to his first collection of writings, The Happy Princ


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