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, Jou rn al of A nhu A gr. Sc. 2010, 38( 15) : 8175 - 8177 常俊香 卢瑶
樊爱琼 (, 530006)
在了解空气弹簧悬架系统物理减震原理和结构的基础上, 对农用机车的空气悬架系统 行了仿真结果表明, 含有空气弹簧的
悬架系统可有效降低农用机车的簧载质量垂直振动加速度及轮胎动载荷, 而在一定程度上提高汽车的道路友好性乘坐舒适性和操
农用机车; 空气弹簧;物理减震
S22 A 0517- 6611( 2010) 15- 08175 - 03
P han tom S tudy on PhysicalAm ortiza tion of A gricu lturalV eh icle Ba sed on the A ir Spring
FAN A iqiong ( College of P repara tory Edu cat on, G uangx Un vers ty fo r Na tona l t es, Nann ng, G uangx 530006)
A bstract Based on learn ng about phys ca l am ort za ton rat on ale an d stru cture of a r spr ng su sp en s on system, the a r suspens on system o f
ag r cultura l veh cle w as sm ulated. The results show ed that the suspens on system w th a r spr ng could effectve ly decrease the vert ca l v bra
t on acce lera ton o f sprung m ass of agr cu ltura l veh cle and dynam c load of tyre. T hen the roadfr en dln ess, r d ng com fort and m an pula ton
stab l ty of veh c le w ere enh an ced n som e degree.
K ey w ords A gr cultural veh cle; A r spr ng; Phys cal am ort za t on
( 1) [ 4]
, , ,
, , : 1. ; 2. ; 3. ; 4, 9. ; 5, 10.
, ; 6. ; 7. ; 8.
, , Note: 1. A r com press on; 2. S eprator of o l and w ater; 3. Pressure ad
, , , justor; 4, 9. T ank; 5, 10. F l ter; 6. V eh cle h gh control ler; 7.
C ontrol l nk; 8. A r spr ng.