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第10期 组合机床与 自动化加工技术 No.10
2014 年10 月 Modular Machine Tool Automatic Manufacturing Technique Oct. 2014
文章编号:1001-2265(2014)10-0066-03 DOI:10.13462/ ki.mmtamt.2014.10.019
1 2 3 1 1
陈永清 ,朱晓靖 ,王玉槐 ,郭建亮 ,陈廉清
(1.宁波工程学院 机械工程学院,浙江 宁波 315016;2. 浙江中力机械有限公司,浙江 湖州
313300;3.杭州师范大学钱江学院,杭州 310012)
想,提出了一种图像亚像素综合定位算法。 用OTSU 法对源图像进行二值化处理;用5 ×5 矩形域最
实现了边缘的高精度定位。 实验结果表明,该方法算法简便,精度较高,易于编程实现,且兼具多种
中图分类号:TH16;TG386 文献标识码:A
Subpixel Edge Detection of Image for Industrial Thin Sheet Parts Based on Fuzzy Clustering
CHEN Yong-qing ,ZHU Xiao-jing ,WANG Yu-huai ,GUOJian-liang ,CHEN Lian-qing1 2 3 1 1
(1. School of Mechanical Engineering,Ningbo University of Technology,NingboZhejiang315016,China;2.
EP EQUIPMENT CO. ,LTD,Huzhou Zhejiang313300,China)
Abstract:A subpixelintegratedlocationalgorithmisproposedtoaddresstheissue ofinaccuracyinmachine
vision detection of industry sheets by introducing the fuzzy clustering scheme based on fuzzy mathematics
fundamental. Binarization of originalimageusingthe OTSUapproach wascarriedouttodetectapixel-level
contour edge with the maximal gradient module over a5×5 rectangle area. High precision location of edge
wasimplemented by adopting the subpixel edge location algorithm. The experimental results show that the
proposedalgorithm is simple and easy torealize via programming andalsohasthe advantagesfrom multiple
algorithms so that it apply to the machine vision detection system in the practical production.
Key words:machine vision;edge detection;fuzzy clustering analysis;subpixel
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