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华北农学报# 2009 , 24 ( 增刊) : 29 5- 29 8 1 2 1 2 1 赵登超, 王钧毅, 韩传明, 崔淑英 , 侯立群 ( 1. , 250014; 2. , 271000) : , , , : 66% - 10- - A- - 11- - 12 C16~ C18 , , A- , ( 0. 15 g/ 100g) , , , , 42. 19 g/ 100g ; , 36. 12 g/ 100g : ; ; ; ; : S664. 01 : A : 1000- 7091( 2009) - 0295- 04 Analysis of Fat and Fatty Acids Composition and Content in Walnut Varieties 1 2 1 2 1 ZHAO D ng- chao , WANG Jun- yi , HAN Chuan- ming , CUI Shu- ying , HOU Li- qun ( 1. Shandong Acad my of For stry, Jinan 250014, China; 2.Taican Lvyuan Institut of Economic For stry and Pomology,Taican 271000, China) Abstract:Th pap r aim d that analyzing th fat composition and th diff r nc s of fatty acids composition and con- t nt app ar in diff r nt walnut vari ti s k rn l by th m thod of gas chromatography(GC) .Th r sults show d that th fat cont nts w r about 66% in all of th walnut k rn l. 12 kinds of fatty acids, including T trad canoic( C14B0) , Palmitic (C16B0) , Palmitol ic( C16B1n7) , H ptad canoicn ( C17B0) , Cis- 10- H ptad c noic H ptad canoicn ( C17B 1n7) , St aric( C18B0) , Ol ic( C18B1n9c) , Linol ic( C18B2n6c) , A- linol nic( C18B3n3) ,Arachidic( C20B0) , Cis- 11- Eis- cos noic( C20B1) , Docosanoic( C22B0)w r d t ct d in th six walnut vari ti s k rn ls. Th carbon numb rs of th fatty acids w r mainly b tw n 16 and 18.Th fatty acids inwalnut k rn l mainly includ d Polyunsaturat d fatty acid and Mo- nounsaturat d fatty acid, l ss saturat d fatty acid. Th vari ti s of Qinglin and Yuanlin had th high st and th low st Linol ic acid cont nts, r ach d to 42. 19 g/ 100g and 36. 12 g/ 100g, r sp ctiv ly. Key words:Walnut;Vari ti s;Fat; Fatty acids; Gas chromatography ( Juglans


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