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第 23 卷第 6 期 梧 州 学 院 学 报 No.6Vol.23 2013 年 12 月 JOURNAL OF WUZHOU UNIVERSITY Dec.2013 外置式自适应节能管理系统的探究 仇国华 1 , 李金赐 2 (1.2. 福建师范大学福清分校 电子与信息工程系 , 福建 福清 350300 ) [摘 要] 文章通过分析电热水器的实际使用情况 , 探讨和研究一种外置式自适应节能管理系统。 拟实现能够直接与加 热设备联接; 通过记忆其使用规律, 结合被加热对象的温度 、 环境温度和设定温度值等参数 , 自动选择合适的提前加热时 间; 并能够在特殊需要时实现紧急加热响应; 此外再融入远程控制等新技术手段 , 全方位地对加热设备进行智能化的节能 管理。 [关键词] 外置 ; 保温 ; 节能 ; 动态 ; 智能管理 [中图分类号] TM571.6 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-8535(2013 )06-0014-05 Analysis of an External Self-adapting Energy-saving Management System 1 2 Qiu Guohua , Li jinci (1.2. Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Fuqing Campus of Fujian Normal University, Fuqing 350300, China ) Abstract: This paper, by analyzing the actual usages of electrical water heaters, researches and explores an external self - adapting energy -saving monitoring system, which is designed to directly connected with a heating equipment and to be able to automatically choose a pre-heating time span by memorizing the usage pattern of the said equipment and taking into account the parameters in terms of temperatures of the heated substances, surroundings and pre-set temperatures, etc. Also, it is to be able make emergency response. Meanwhile, by being integrated with such technology as remote control, it will be able to execute 24 -hour intelligent energy-saving management of heating equipments. Key words: external; he


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