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2005年考研英语模拟题 张锦芯 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) British universities, groaning under the burden of a huge increase in student numbers, are warning that the tradition of a free education is at risk. The universities have threatened to ___1___ an admission fee on students to plug a gap in revenue if the government does not act to improve ___2___ finances and scrap some public spending cutbacks. The government responded to the universities ___3___ by setting up the most fundamental review of higher education for a generation, ___4___ a non-party troubleshooter,Sir Ron Dearing. One in three school-leavers enters higher education, five times the number when the last ___5___ took place thirty years ago. Everyone agrees a system that is feeling the ___6___ after rapid expansion needs a lot more money梑ut there is little hope of getting it ___7___ the taxpayer and not much scope for attracting more finance from business. Most colleges believe students should ___8___to tuition costs, something that is common elsewhere in the world ___9___ would mark a revolutionary change in Britain. Universities want the government to introduce a loan scheme for tuition fees and have ___10___ their own threatened action for now. They await Dearings advice, hoping it will not be too late梥ome are already reported to be ___11___ financial difficulty. ___12___ the century nears its end, the whole concept of ___13___ a university should be is under the microscope. Experts ponder how much they can use computers ___14___ classrooms, talk of the need for lifelong learning and ___15___ to students as 揷onsumers? The Confederation of British Industry, the key employers organization, wants even more ___16___ in higher education to help fight competition on world markets from ___17___ Asian economies. But the government has ___18___ about more



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