Unit 3 Money 希望英语第二册课件.ppt

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Unit 3 The Contents of the Unit 3 New Words and Expressions Grammar: Subjunctive Mood I Text: Money Myths Arrangement of the Class: 8 Classes. Part I New words and expressions absurdity n. absurd a. absurdly ad. assess v. evaluate, value, judge the quality or worth of ----I’d like to sell my house, but I must have it assessed by the valuer. access: way ----The only access to the town is across the bridge. bubble n. soap bubble 肥皂泡,徒有其表的东西 consciously ad. conscious a. being realized by oneself content a. satisfied with what one has; not wanting more be content with be satisfied with be content to do sth. be satisfied to do sth. ----Are you content with your present salary? ----He is content to garden after retiring. content n. (pl) somethings that are contained in sth. ----The contents of the box fell onto the floor. (sing.) amount of sth. contained in sth. else the content of silver in a ton of ore corrupt v. make morally bad. deny v. say that something is not true deny doing deny sth. ----He denied knowing anything about the plans. ----He denies his wife nothing. dispel v. drive sth. away. evil n. wrong-doing, crime, sin exemplify v. be a typical example of something -fy simplify, classify, beautify imply v. implication n. suggest sth indirectly ----Do you imply that I didn’t tell you the truth? intellect n. the ability to learn and reason lottery n. a lottery ticket media n. singular form: medium datum ----data misery n. miserable a. great suffering ----The doctors’ duty is to put the patients out of their misery. misleading a. giving wrong ideas to make believe what is not true. mis-: misspell, misuse, misunderstand, misremember myth n. obvious a. clear prosperity n. prosper v. prosperous a. relieve v. relief n. make less; get rid of, remove ----The coaches will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent


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