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18-1 18 16-17 15 14 13 12-1 12 11-1 11 10-3 10-2 10-1 10 9-3 9-2 9-1 9 8 7 6 4-5 3 2 1-1 1 Floor Space of Buildings Under Construction 竣工房屋面积 货运量 公路 水运 客运量 Foreign Exchange Earnings from Tourism Number of Scientific and Technical Personnel Number of Hospitals per 10 000 persons (unit) 城乡储蓄存款余额 Outstanding Amount of Saving Deposits in Urban and Rural Areas Wages and Welfare 工资总额 Total Wages 职工平均工资 Average Wage of Staff and Workers for Retired Staff and Workers Health Care 医院与卫生院 Number of Hospitals 医院床位数 Number of Hospital Beds City Construction 自来水供应量 Volume of Tap Water Supply 排水管道长度 Length of Sewer Pipelines 城市煤气供气量 Volume of Coal Gas Supply in Urban Areas 石油液化气用量 Volume of Liquefied Petroleum Gas 公共汽车总数 Total Number of Public Buses 公交客运总量 注:对外贸易中的进出口总额,统一按海关统计数据。 邮电业务总量 Total Business Revenue 函件 Number of Letters Delivered 报刊期发数 Number of Newspapers and Magazines Distributed 交换机容量 在校学生 Students Enrollment 教育事业费支出 Operating Expenses for Education 各类专业技术人员数 技术市场技术交易成交额 出版数量 图书 Natural Growth Rate(‰) 就业者负担人口(人) Dependency Rate(person) Macro Economy 全社会劳动生产率(元/年人) Overall Labor Productivity (yuan/person-year) Primary Industry Secondary Industry Tertiary Industry 全社会固定资产投资相当于 Proportion of Investment in Fixed Assets to GDP (%) 生产总值(%) 国有经济项目投产率(%) Rate of Projects Completed and Put into Use 国有经济固定资产交付使用率(%) Rate of Fixed Assets Completed and Put into Use Households 人口死亡率(‰) Death Rate(‰) 人口自然增长率(‰) 黄红麻(熟麻) Jute and Ambary Hemp 苎麻 烤烟 Fluecured Tobacco 茶叶 Tea 柑桔 Citrus 猪牛羊肉 Pork, Beef and Mutton 水产品 Aquatic Products 主要工业产品产量 in State-owned Economic (%) 地方财政收入相当于生产总值



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