外研版高中英语选修6 Module5 Reading practice.ppt

外研版高中英语选修6 Module5 Reading practice.ppt

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外研版高中英语选修6 Module5 Reading practice

2. In fact, dinosaurs died out before mosquitoes existed, so___. (a) the basic story of Jurassic Park is fiction (b) mosquitoes need to be older (c) dinosaurs are at least 60 million years old (d) it’s possible to clone dinosaurs 1. sci-fi adventure film 科幻历险片/电影 2. eccentric millionaire 行为古怪的百万富翁 3. his new amusement park他的新游乐场 4. open to public 对公众开放 5. prehistoric mosquitoes 史前蚊子 6. accompany v. 陪伴,伴随,陪 accompany sb. to 陪某人去… be accompanied by 由某人陪伴 I must ask you to accompany me to the station. 7. on a tour 观光,旅行 8. computer-controlled cars电脑控制的车 9. a tropical storm hits the island 热带风暴… 10. knock out the power supply摧毁能源供应 11. destroy the security system破坏安全系统 12. steal dinosaur embryos 偷出恐龙胚胎 13. get out of control 摆脱控制 14. a preserved mosquito 一个被保存的蚊子 15. as far as we know 16. mosquitoes that old 那么久的蚊子 17. absorb sb.’s attention 吸引某人的注意力 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 18. There is no way of knowing … 无法知道 19. There is nothing to compare the new sample with 无法与新的样本进行比较 20. intact adj. 完好无损的,完整的 21. extinction 灭绝 22. break down 分解 23. repair itself 自我修复 24. arise (问题、困难等)发生,出现 raise a baby dinosaur 养育一个小恐龙 26. the diets of dinosaur 27. protect …from… 28. vice versa 反过来也一样,反之亦然 29. raise ethical and human rights issues 带来道德和人权问题 30. be ready for sth. 准备做某事 31. bring …back to life 使…复活 32. in the era of dinosaurs 在恐龙时代 33. find difficulty (in )doing sth. 发现做某事有困难 4. When life ends, DNA breaks down and does not repair itself. 5. Even if it was possible to bring dinosaurs back to life they probably could not survive in the present day environment. 1). accompany v. 陪伴,陪同 She accompanied her friend to the concert. accompany sb. to some place accompany sb. home 她陪我去看了医生。 She accompanied me to the doctor. 请陪我去故乡走一走。 Please accompany me on the trip to my hometown. 3)伴奏 Mary sang and I accompanied her on the piano. 玛丽唱歌,我弹琴给她伴奏。 company n. 陪伴,友情 keep sb. company People ar


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