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Module 6 Look after yourself! Unit 1 He has an accident. 任务 看M6U1内容完成学考精练词汇专项,短评翻译和单项选择。 8分钟后展示成果 学考精炼 Page 65 词汇专项 1.The doctor said he has had a high fever. 2.The snow was very deep, and it’s almost in the knee. 3.The soldier came from the front with a gun wound. 从前线回来 4.My father never missed a day of work. 从没旷过一天工 5.I tripped over the box on the floor and fell. 学考 P66 短语翻译 1照顾自己 look after oneself 2多远 how far 3追上赶上 catch up 4出事故 have an accident 5从上摔下 fall over 6发烧 have a fever 学考精练 Unit 1 单项选择 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A 任务 口语练习及讨论 5分钟完成 What kind of illness has he/ she got? He / She has got What happened to Daming? Where is the wound? Is it serious? What kind of illness will he get? What happened to Daming? An accident happened to Daming. Where is the wound? The wound is in his leg. Is it serious? No, it is not serious. What kind of illness will he get? He may get a fever. 任务 两段听力 10分钟完成 Listen and answer the questions. 1.Has Tony’s dad ever had serious accidents? No, there was _______________. 2.What parts of his body did he hurt? His finger, _________ and _____________. 3.What illness does he sometimes get? He only ____________ when he gets flu. 4.What is Tony reading about? He is reading about ______________ and accidents in the mountain. 5.What does he think Tony will get, and why? Tony will get _____________ because he has ______________. 学考精炼 Page 65 听取信息 任务 理解课文及语言知识点 10分钟完成 Look after yourself. How far have we walked? Theyll catch up in a few minutes. Whos missing? Whats happened to them? I think its going to rain. Where have you been? He has had an accident. He was running along the wall when he tripped and fell over the edge. When did he fall? Ill call for help on my mobile. There he is, lying on the ground! Hes got a wound in his leg and he may get a fever but its nothing serious. They will catch up in a few minutes. 他们会在几分钟后赶上我们的。 在将来时态里in+时间:在多长时间后 她会在一小时后回来。 She will be back in an hour. 她过多久会回来? __________ will she be back? Ho


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