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Sheet3 Sheet2 Sheet1 在舞台上 on stage 对…感兴趣 take(an)interest in 取得进步 make progress 给妈妈买条围巾 get mom a scarf 代替… instead of 鼓励某人做…encourage sb. to do sth. 足够有创意 creative enough 吃得很多 eat a lot 整天睡觉 sleep all day 做一顿特别的饭 make a special meal 饲养宠物 keep a pet 现在,目前 these days 不同种类的礼物 different kinds of gifts 与其…不如… rather…than… 谦虚的 be modest 赢得奥斯卡 win an Oscar 水上公园 a water park 一年到头 all around the year 看见某人正在做某事 see sb. doing sth. 在相同的地方 in the same place 兜风 take a ride 考虑做某事 think about doing sth. 做…最好的方法 the best way to do sth. 做某事很费劲 have problem(in)doing sth. 感谢信 a thank-you note 和某人相处 get along/on with sb. 两边看 look both ways 闲聊 a small talk 造句 make sentences 等待 wait for 在周末 on/at the weekends 玩得愉快 have a wonderful time 想起某人 think of sb. 比赛的票 the tickets for/to a game 现在 at this time/moment 至少 at least 想要做… feel like doing...= would like to do 交通繁忙 the traffic is busy =traffic jam 小心 take care /watch out/ be careful/look out 熄灭put out 把某物还给某人 return sth. to sb. 直到…才… not…until… 独自做事 do sth. by oneself 有足够的时间 have enough time 抱怨某事 complain about… 和...一样的the same as 尽可能多 as much as possible 流行的,时髦的in style 一方面 on the one hand 另一方面 on the other hand 做兼职工 get a part-time job Unit 4 Unit 5 从床上爬起来 get out of the bed 降落 land on 在伦敦降落 land in London 朝某人喊 shout at sb. 火车站 train station 逃跑 run away 在理发厅里 in the barbers shop 从…出去 get out of 理发 cut hair 打电话聊天 talk/be on the phone 考虑 think about


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