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2、细胞的结构与功能及微生物分类 Structure and Function of Cell and Classification of Microorganism 2.1 微生物细胞化学组成 六大元素: 碳、氢、氧、氮、硫和磷(无论什么生物,都含有这些元素),对于单分子生物,这六大类元素可以占到整个生物的100%,如蛋白类。而在细胞生物体中,这六类元素的总量大约占干物质的90~97% 大量元素(macroelements or macronutrients)还有钾、钙、镁、铁等。 微量元素:钼、锌、锰、硼、钴、碘、镍、钒等 微生物细胞中几种常量元素的含量 微生物细胞中几种常量元素的含量 2.2 微生物分类 Microbial Taxonomy Microorganisms are tremendously diverse in size, shape, physiology, and lifestyle. General Introduction and Overview consists of three separate but interrelated parts: Classification is the arrangement of organisms into groups or taxa (s., taxon) based on mutual similarity or evolutionary relatedness. Nomenclture is the branch of taxonomy concerned with the assignmennt of names to taxonomic groups in agreement with published rules. Identification is the practical side of taxonomy, the process of determining that a particular isolated belongs to a recognized taxon. Universal Phylogenetic Tree 生物 2.3 原核生物的大小形状 Size, Shape, and Arrangement Procaryotic Cell Organization Figure 2.1 Representative Bacteria Unusually Shaped Bacteria 2.4 细菌 Morphology of a Gram-Positive Bacterium. Table 3.1 Functions of Procaryotic Structures Plasma membrane Selectively permeable barrier, mechanical boundary of cell. nutrient and waste transport, location of many metabolic processes (respiration, photosynthesis). detection of environmental cues for chemotaxis Gas vacuole Buoyancy for floating in aquatic environments Ribosomes Protein synthesis Inclusion bodies Storage of carbon, phosphate, and other substances Nucleoid Localization of genetic material (DNA) Periplasmic space Contains hydrolytic enzymes and binding proteins for nutrient processing and uptake Cell wall Gives bacte


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