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出血性脑梗塞 血管再通后或侧支循环建立后,多发生于亚急性期,好发于基底节区和皮质 Cerebral Infarction (Enhancement Scan) Subacute stage:enhancement CT imaging reveals gyral enhancement T1WI following intravenous gadolinium T2WI Gyral and subcortical enhancement of CI CT perfursion of brain 腔隙性脑梗塞 Lacuna infarction 发病部位:基底节、丘脑、放射冠、脑干、小脑 病灶大小: <1.5 cm 检查方法:MRI 敏感性高于 CT 脑出血 Hemorrhage 诊断急性脑内血肿(Hematoma) 首选方法:CT 成分 密度/信号演变 体积改变 CT 急性期 血浆+血红蛋白 高密度 大→小 融冰征 亚急性期 血红蛋白破坏 纤维蛋白溶解 等密度 慢性期 脑脊液密度 低密度 MR 超急、急性期 含氧hb→脱氧hb T1等T2高→T1等T2低 大→小 亚急性期 正铁hb T1等T2低(周边高) → T1高T2高 慢性期 囊腔+含铁血黄素 T1低T2高有T1低T2低环 Imaging Modalities: CT and MRI Acute Hematoma(0~2天)T1WI等或低信号,T2WI高信号 低信号 Subacute Hematoma(2~14天):T1WI高信号,T2WI 低信号 高信号 Chronic Hematoma T1WI低信号;T2WI中央高信号,周围是低信号的含铁血黄素环 谢 谢! Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery (PICA in blue) The PICA territory is on the inferior occipital surface of the cerebellum and is in equilibrium with the territory of the AICA in purple, which is on the lateral side (1).? The larger the PICA territory, the smaller the AICA and viceversa. Superior Cerebellar Artery (SCA in grey) The SCA territory is in the superior and tentorial surface of the cerebellum. Branches from vertebral and basilar artery These branches supply the medulla oblongata (in blue) and the pons (in green). Anterior Choroideal artery (AchA in blue)) The territory of the AChA is part of the hippocampus, the posterior limb of the internal capsule and extends upwards to an area lateral to the posterior part of the cella media.? Lenticulo-striate arteries? The?lateral?LSA' s (in orange) are deep penetrating arteries of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). Their territory includes most of the basal ganglia. The?medial?LSA' s (indicated in dark red) arise from the anterior cerebral artery (usually the A1-segment). Heubner's artery is the largest of the medial lenticulostriate arteries and supplies the anteromedial part of the head of the caudate and anteroinferior internal capsule.? Anterior cerebral artery (ACA in red) The ACA sup


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