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写作基础句型训练 5 定语从句 1、TED从1984年以一次性会议开始,现在已成为全球范围内想更好了解世界的人的一个社团。 Started in 1984 as a one-off conference, TED has become a worldwide community of the people who seek deeper understanding of the world. 2、《时代》年度人物是每年由《时代》杂志编辑们选出的给新闻和人们生活带来最大影响的个人或团体。 Chosen by the magazines editors each year, Times Person of the Year is an individual or group ( of individuals) who have had the greatest impact /influence on news or people’s life that year。 3、政府需制定法规惩罚那些造成严重污染的企业。 The government should make laws to punish those enterprises which cause serious pollution. 4. 依我看来,父母与孩子无法好好相处是因为他们之间有代沟。 In my opinion, the reason why children and their parents can’t get along well is that there is a generation gap between them. 5、我们建立在线留言板,供大家签名致谢。 We’re also preparing an online message board where you can leave your name and a message of appreciation for the school. 6、最后,我们要提高公众环保意识,从长远来说对我们有好处。 Last but not the least, it is necessary to improve the publics awareness of environmental protection, which will benefit us in the long run 7、同时,在这种(雾霾)天气状况下,我们要多喝水,多吃水果,这很有用。 Meanwhile, we should drink more water and eat more fruits, which is considered to be helpful in such a situation. 8、两名幸存者中,前者的父母均死于埃博拉, 她幸存下来,康复后照料其它病患者;后者在非洲医治病人时染上埃博拉病毒,后康复。 The former , who lost both her parents to the disease, survived herself and began to care for other sufferers, and the latter became infected with Ebola while treating patients and later recovered from the virus. 9、12月10日,《时代》杂志提名“埃博拉斗士”为该杂志2014年度人物,表彰那些在西部非洲为抗击埃博拉病毒而努力工作的护理人员,此病毒在非洲爆发,夺去数以千计患者的生命。 On December 10, the magazine named the Ebola fighters its 2014 Person of the Year, applauding the work of those fighting Ebola in western Africa, where an outbreak of the virus has killed thousands of people. 10、“双十一”,起源于1990年代南京的部分大学,因为碰巧在每年的11月11日,所以在中国又被称为“光棍节”,在那一天,年轻人会举行各种聚会,并寻找自己心爱的人。 Double 11, originated from some universities in Nanjing in the 1990s, is called Singles Day in China because it falls on Nov.11 by coincidence when many young people w


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