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写作基础句型训练 1 非谓语动词—现在分词 1、TED,Ideas Worth Spreading。 TED, standing for Technology, Entertainment and Design, is a global set of conferences run by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, under the slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading”. 2、与会者都是科学家、音乐家、探险家、宗教领袖等有影响力的人。 The attendees are mostly influential people including scientists, musicians, adventurers, religious leaders and so on. 3、附作品创意说明创意来源和使用材料with your wonderful works, you need to hand in a report, explaining how the idea occurs to you and what materials you use. 4、12月10日,《时代》杂志提名“埃博拉斗士”西部为抗击埃博拉病毒而努力工作,此病毒在非洲爆发,夺去数以千计患者的生命Margaret Trainor教授学习音乐的儿童在音乐听力和记忆力方面进步更大。Professor Trainor found that the children taking music lessons showed more advantages not only in musical listening but also in memory level. 6、两名医生,一名护士,一名救护车司机,一名卫生保健工作者,共五人登上杂志封面On December 10, the magazine named the Ebola fighters its 2014 Person of the Year, applauding the work of those fighting Ebola in western Africa, where an outbreak of the virus has killed thousands of people. 7、有些学生比较乐观,认为未来随着科技的发展,交通更方便;人类会过上更高质量的生活,寿命更长Some students are quite optimistic, believing that in the future, with the development of science and technology, transportation will be more convenient and human beings, who enjoy higher quality of life, will live much longer. 8、上周一学生会在会议室举行了关于成立“起床俱乐部”的协会讨论A discussion concerning setting up a similar association in our school was organized by the Student Union in the meeting room last Monday. 9、几乎所有在学期间恋爱的学生都以失败结束。 Almost all the students falling in love end up in failure. 写作基础句型训练 2 非谓语动词—过去分词 1. TED从1984年以一次性会议开始,现在已成为全球范围内想更好了解世界的人的一个社团。 Started in 1984 as a one-off conference, TED has become a worldwide community of the people who seek deeper understanding of the world. 2、这个为期一年的研究研究了两组4至6岁的儿童:一组上音乐课,另一组没有上音乐课year-long study examined two groups of children aged 4 to 6; the members of one group took music lessons and the other did not. 3、鉴于大气污染已严重影响到我们的日常生活,就雾霾天气的防护措施以及如何治理大气污染等大家关心的问题,健康及环保专家提出了一些建议。 Given that smog


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