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广东高考听说模拟试题02 Part A Reading Aloud In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. TVXQ, a famous pop group in South Korea, first appeared in public in December, 2003. They devote themselves to music and determine to become well-known all over the world. The group is considered as a miracle of Korean music. They are very good at singing, music writing and dancing. In April 2005, they tapped into the Japan market and were extremely well received. The group has been very active in the Asian music stage and has emerged as the most popular vocal group in Asia. Until now they win the praise and love of fans all over the world. Part B Role Play In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions. 情景介绍 角色:你是Mary。 任务:(1)询问Peter为什么这么高兴; (2)根据谈话内容回答同学的提问。 生词:driving license 驾驶证 raccoon 浣熊 animal welfare law 动物福利法律 W: Good morning, Peter. M: Morning, Mary. W: You seem to be in a good mood. M: Yes. I’m very happy because I got my driving license the day before yesterday. W: That’s cool! Congratulations! M: Thank you! What’s more, the raccoons have moved away W: The raccoons? What’s going on? M: When I moved to my new house, some raccoons moved to it too. They made so much noise that I was seriously disturbed. 3 Questions to ask: 1. 你为什么不赶走它们呢? I couldn’t because in Canada, it is illegal to remove them on your own. There are even animal welfare laws to protect animals in Canada. 2. 有什么机构可以帮忙摆脱它们吗? Yes. There are special companies that can help. I called one of them. The other day, a worker came. He went to the roof and found three baby raccoons. He said they could be removed after they grew up. 3. 你们等了多久? About two months. Yesterday he came again. First, he took out an MP3 to play some music. And then he put the raccoons into a basket with the MP3. He said the music can make the raccoons


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