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Thyroid Gland Section 3 Thyroid Gland General organization ? the first endocrine gland to be recognized by those symptoms associated with excess or deficient function ? consists of two lobes, one on each side of trachea below cricoids cartilage(环状软骨) Lobes are composed of spherical follicles formed by a single layer of epithelial cells that surround a lumen filled with a gel-like substance called colloid(胶质) composed of thyroglobulin(TG), the precursor(前体)of thyroid hormones thyroid epithelial cells secrete thyroid hormones (T4,T3) and synthesize TG parafollicular cells secrete calcitonin,降钙素 Thyroid Hormones( TH) TH including thyroxin(T4),3,5,3’,5’-triiodothyronine(T3) and rT3(逆-三碘甲腺原氨酸)(no biological activity)(Fig 11-15) Synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones Iodine is required for formation of thyroxin About 500mg / year; 1mg/week;150μg/d To prevent iodine deficiency, salt is iodized with sodium iodide (iodide : NaCl = 1:100,000) Absorbed from gastrointestinal tract in the same manner as chloride Synthesis and secretion of TH include 4 stages (1)Iodide Trapping(碘捕获) Uptake of iodide ions (Iˉ) from the blood by epithelial cells of the follicle via an active transport system that co-transports Na+ ions into the cell transport of iodine including 2 steps ① at basal membrane, transported actively into cell against electrical-chemical gradient by a sodium-iodide symportor(钠-碘同向转运体,也称Na+-I-泵) Iˉ concentration inside thyroid gland is 20~25 times than in the blood The resting membrane potential of epithelia cell is about -40~-50mV Na+-I- pump requires energy provided by Na+-K+-ATPase ATP →Na+-K+-ATPase activity↑→ extracellular Na+↑ →Na+diffuse inside↑ →Iˉ transported by Na+-Iˉ pump↑ (I iodine: 2 Na+-contransport,协同转运) ②Some ions: ClO4ˉ,SCNˉ,NO3ˉ: to compete against Iˉ transport ③TSH: to stimulate and hypophysectomy greatly diminishes the activity of iodide pump. -131I be used to test ability of iodide trapping and function of thyroid gland (2) Iodide oxidation and


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