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高等教育自学考试公司管理专业 毕 业 设 计 题  目:中小企业人力资源管理信息化存在问题与对策研究 专 业:  公司管理 考  号:  010311466128 考生姓名:  杜国庆 指导教师: 任相花 哈 尔 滨 理 工 大 学 二O一二年九月一日 中小企业人力资源管理信息化存在问题与对策研究 摘 要 在当今经济迅猛发展的前提下,加快发展中国家中小企业的发展成了时代的话题。中国中小企业由于技术、规模等历史原因,发展比较缓慢,想达到发达国家中小企业的发展水平必须走信息化道路。因此,实施人力资源信息化是中小企业发展的内在动力和趋势,是适应时代的选择。 本文通过分析国内外对人力资源管理信息化的研究,提出人力资源信息化的内涵、作用以及我国中小企业实施人力资源信息化的现状。针对我国中小企业实施人力资源信息化的劣势,提出相应的对策。指出中小企业在运用人力资源信息化发展企业的过程中存在的实际问题,及分析如何解决这些问题,奠定中小企业发展的基础,而不仅仅对人力资源管理系统优势的陈述。相信中小企业在解决发展人力资源信息化存在问题后,会更好的运用信息化,从人力资源管理的角度出发,用集中的数据库将几乎所有与人力资源相关数据统一管理起来,提升企业效率、节省成本,提高企业利润、推进全面人力资源管理。 关键词 中小企业;人力资源管理;信息化问题;对策; Research of Problems and Strategies of Humain Resource Informatization for the SMEs Abstract With rapid economic development in China, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has become a topic of age. Because of technology, scale, history, Chinese SME has a slow development, and it must chows inform at ionization to catch developed countries. Therefore, the implementation of human resources information is the intrinsic, the trend and the choice of SME. Through the research of the human resources inform at ionization in this article, it comes out the human resources inform at ionization connotation, the function as well as the present situation of human resources inform at ionization in countrys SME. The author brings up the corresponding countermeasure in view of the inferior it y. In this paper, the author more wants to explain the actual problem which the small and medium-sized enterprise faces in the process of informationizations development, as well as how to solve these problems to lay the foundation of the future development of the SME, but not merely to the e-HR systems superiority statement. I believe that the SME will dove the existence question and will utilization informationization better and better, it will administer the human resources related data from human resources manag


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