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Words learned in the last class Amusing, energetic, intelligent, nervous, organized, patient, serious, shy, strict, funny, lively, kind, popular The detailed study of part one. b. leave/make/have a+adj+impression on sb :the effect that an experience or a person has on sb./sth. or that sb./sth. gives you 给某人留下…的印象 Listen to this part and pay more attention to some key words used to describe Mrs. Li and then fill in the blanks. The detailed study of part two. b.to recognize the good qualities of somebody or something b. with sb./sth doing: to have someone or something always doing something He ran and ran with beads of sweat running down his face. 他跑啊跑,汗珠从他脸上不断往下流。 We got out of the forest with the guide leading the way. 导游在前面带路,我们出了森林。 Listen to this part and fill in the blanks with the words in the text. The detailed study of part three. Listen to the text and fill in the blanks. Speaking 1.Work in pairs. Talk with each other about which teacher in the text you like most and then describe her/him with your own words. 2.Discuss the features of a good teacher. words for reference: energetic, funny, kind, patient, lively, organized, serious, shy, intelligent, good-looking… * 外国语学院2008级6班 钟发丽 20080541385 scanning Mr. Wu Mrs. Chen Mrs. Li Ss’ attitude teaching style characteristics subject English nervous, shy, kind, patient avoid making Ss stupid, go slowly like Physics strict, serious well organized and clear be afraid of, dont like, appreciate, like Chinese literature energetic, good-looking, amusing, funny tell jokes respect Language Points They say that first impressions are very important. They say=It is said=Sb is said to do 据说 据说他又写了一本新书。 They say that he has written a new book. It is said that he has written a new book. He is said to have written a new book. 2.My first impression of Mrs. Li was that she was nervous and shy. a.one’s first impression of sb/sth: an idea, a feeling or an opinion that you get ab


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