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2 0 0 5 10 36 10 Web GIS * 何 勇 余心杰 , W eb G IS JA V A W eb G IS , / W eb G IS , , , : / : S 126; S23; C93 1. 6 : A Design and Implementation of Agricultural Mechanization Information Management System Based on Web GIS He Y ongY u Xin ie ( Zhej iang Univ er si ty ) Abstract A iming at t he problems that urgent ly need t o be resolv ed in ag ricult ural mechanizat ion inf or- mat io n management at present , a management inf orm ation sy st em , w hich provides a mo re eff ec- tiv e m et hod and technique f or the agricult ural mechanizatio n info rmat ion manag em ent based on Web GIS, w as lodged and built . U sing prog ramming language JA V A , t he system w as developed in a creativ e w ay by integ rating Web GIS w it h t radit ional M IS . It improved ag ricult ural mecha- nizat ion management eff iciency by making fully u se o f t he Int ernet/ Int ranet , and by u sing Web GIS t echnolo gy . It al so provided a visual w ay fo r ag ricult ur al m echanizat ion zo ning and agricul- tural m echanizat ion inf orm at ion management, overcam e the def ect s t hat zoning depended t oo much on labo r w or k and t he inf orm ation manag em ent w ere not visual. Key wordsWeb GIS, Int ernet/ intr anet , Info rmat ion management , A g ricultural mech - anizat ion [ 12] , , GIS , GIS Internet/ Int ranet Web , : GIS , , , ,



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