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**** ****届毕业设计 U型件弯曲模 论文作者姓名:__ ** __ 所 在 院 系:****学院_____ 所 学 专 业:机械制造及自动化 指 导 老 师:_ *** _ 论文完成时间:_****年 * 月 ** 日___ 目录 内容摘要 3 关键词 3 Abstract 3 Key word 4 1. 引言 5 2. 弯曲工艺分析........................................... 5 2. 1材料分析........................................... 5 2. 2结构分析........................................... 6 2. 3精度分析........................................... 6 3. 工艺方案的确定......................................... 7 4. 弯曲工艺计算........................................... 7 4. 1毛坯件的计算....................................... 7 4. 2弯曲力的计算....................................... 8 4. 3弯曲模主要零部件尺寸............................... 9 5. 热处理要求............................................ 14 6. 模具的装配图.......................................... 15 参考文献.................................................. 16 致谢...................................................... 17 内容摘要:弯曲工艺的基本运动是卸料板先与板料接触并压死,凸模下降至与板料接触,并继续下降进入凹模,凸、凹模及板料产生相对运动,导致板料变形折弯,然后凸、凹模分开,弯曲凹模上的顶杆(或滑块)把弯曲边推出,完成弯曲运动。卸料板及顶杆的运动是非常关键的,为了保证弯曲的质量或生产效率,必须首先控制卸料板的运动,让它先于凸模与板料接触,并且压料力一定要足够,否则弯曲件尺寸精度差,平面度不良;其次,应确保顶杆力足够,以使它顺利地把弯曲件推出,否则弯曲件变形,生产效率低。对于精度要求较高的弯曲件,应特别注意一点,最好在弯曲运动中,要有一个运动死点,即所有相关结构件能够碰死。Bending process is the stripper plate before the basic movement and the sheet metal contacts and crushed, reduced to the punch and the sheet metal contacts and to continue to fall into the matrix, convex and concave molds and sheet metal production relative motion, leading to deformation of folded sheet bend, then convex, concave mold to separate the mandril bending matrix (or slider) to launch bending side to complete the bending movement. Stripper plate and kicker pin movements is critical in order to ensure the quality or production efficiency curve, we must first control the discharge plate movement, it preceded the punch and the sheet metal contacts, and press material force must be sufficient otherwise the bending part dimensional accuracy is poor, poor flatness; Second, should ensure adequate plunger for


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