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13 4 V o l. 13, N o. 4 2008 4 Journa l o f Im age and G raphics A pr. , 2008 Hausdorff 1) 2) 1) 2) 孙 瑾 顾宏斌 秦小麟 周 娜 1) , 2 100 16) 2) , 2 100 16) , , , H au sdorff , edge m atch ing ra te, EM R ) , H au sdo rff , , , , H au sdorff H ausdorff : TP391. 4 : A : 1006- 8961 2008) 04- 076 1- 07 An Im ageM atching A lgorithm U sing Robust Hausdorff Distance 1) 2) 1) 2) SUN J in , GU H ong-b in , Q IN X iao- lin , ZHOU N a 1) (C olleg e of Inf orma tion S cien ce and T echno logy, N anj ing University of A eronau tics and A stronau tic s, N anj ing 2 100 16) 2) (C ollege of CivilA v ia tion, N anj ing Un iv ersity of A eronautics and A stronau tics, N anj ing 2 100 16) A bstract Im age m atching is very mi portant in mi ag e process ing. T he conventional m atching m ethods are easily a ffected by occ lu sions, light and no ises, w hich make the m atching m ore comp licated. In order to mi prove the robu st pe rform ance o f mi ag e m atching, th is paper proposes an or ientation-based robu stH au sdor ff d istance fo r mi age m a tch ing. A n edge de tector based on the d irection inform ation is perform ed to get edge mi age. T o achieve the prom ptness o f mi age m atch ing, EM R edge m atch ing rate) is introduced to de term ine w hich po sition can


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