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协作通信系统的中继选择算法研究 杨晓峰 (西南交通大学, 信息编码与传输省重点实验室, 成都 610031) : 协作通信作为 一种新颖 无线通信技术, 它 主要思想是通过中继节点参与协作传 输, 在目 端获得两 个或者多 个在空间上独立 信号样本, 实现空间分集, 获得分集增益因 此如何合理选择中继节点成为协作通信 关键问题之一本文在协作通信模型及原理 基础 上, 对基于信道状态信息 中继选择算法进行了介绍, 并对具体 选择算法 性能进行了仿 真 : 协作通信; 中继选择; 信道状态信息 : TN929 : B : 2011) Relay Selection A lgorit m Researc in Cooperative Communication Systems YANG X iaofeng ( Key Lab of Information Coding Transm ission, Sout w est Jiaotong Un iversity, C engdu 610031, C ina) A bstract: As a novelw ireless commun ication tec nology, t emain idea of cooperative commun ica tion is to receive tw o ormore independent signal samp les in space at t e destination so as to ac ieve spatial d iversity and d iversity gain via t e relay nodes participate in t e cooperative transm ission. Consequently, ow to selection a suitable relay node become one of t e key issues in cooperative commun ication. T e relay selection algorit m based on c annel state information as been presented on t e system model and principle of t e cooperative commun ication. F inally, t e numerical smi ula tions for t e specific algorit ms are provided to verify t e correctness of t e analysis. K ey words: cooperative commun ication; relay selection; c annel state information M IMO , [ 2] 1 引 言 , , , , , A d- , , H ocW SN [ 1] , , , , ,


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