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u *if,val1, oper, val2, base: 条件语句 val1, val2: 待比较的值(也可是字符,用引号括起来) oper: 逻辑操作(当实数比较时,误差为1e-10) eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, ablt, abgt base: 当oper结果为逻辑真时的行为 lable: 用户定义的行标志 stop: 将跳出anasys exit: 跳出当前的 do循环 cycle: 跳至当前do循环的末尾 then: 构成if-then-else结构 注意:不允许跳出、跳进一个do,if循环至label句 ? *IF, VAL1, Oper1, VAL2, Base1, VAL3, Oper2, VAL4, Base2 Conditionally causes commands to be read. APDL: Process Controls MP ME ST PR PRN FL EM PP Argument Descriptions VAL1 First numerical value (or parameter which evaluates to a numerical value) in the conditional comparison operation. VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, and VAL4 can also be character strings (enclosed in quotes) or parameters for Oper = EQ and NE only. Oper1 Operation label. A tolerance of 1.0E-10 is used for comparisons between real numbers: EQ?--? Equal (for VAL1 = VAL2). NE?--? Not equal (for VAL1?≠ VAL2). LT?--? Less than (for VAL1 VAL2). GT?--? Greater than (for VAL1 VAL2). LE?--? Less than or equal (for VAL1 ? VAL2). GE?--? Greater than or equal (for VAL1 ? VAL2). ABLT?--? Absolute values of VAL1 and VAL2 before operation. ABGT?--? Absolute values of VAL1 and VAL2 before operation. VAL2 Second numerical value (or parameter which evaluates to a numerical value) in the conditional comparison operation. Base1 Action based on the logical expression (Oper1) being true. If false, continue reading at the next line. This is conditional, except for the IF-THEN-ELSE constructs described below; any of the following constructs (through Base1 = THEN) cause all subsequent fields to be ignored: :label?--? A user-defined label (beginning with a colon (:), 8 characters maximum). The command reader will skip (and wrap to the beginning of the file, if necessary) to the first line that begins with the matching :label. Caution This label option may not be mixed with do-loop or if-then-else constructs. STOP?--? This action will cause an exit from the ANSYS program at this line, unless running in interactive mode. In interactiv


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