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UT II级基础理论试题

UT II级基础理论试题 UT Level II General Examination 姓名:_______________得分:______________ 主考官:________________ Name Score Examiner 以下哪项可视为超声技术的应用: Which of the following would be considered application(s) of ultrasonic techniques: 测材料的弹性模量 Determination of a materials elastic modulus B. 研究材料的冶金结构 Study of a materials metallurgical structure C. 材料厚度测量 Measurement of a materials thickness D. 以上都是 All of the above 可在液体中传播的波型是: The only significant sound wave mode that will travel through a liquid is: 剪切波 Shear 纵波 Longitudinal 表面波 Surface D, 瑞利波 Rayleigh 材料的声阻抗用于: The acoustic impedance of a material is used to: 确定在界面上的折射角 Determine the angle of refraction at an interface 确定材料内部的衰减 Determine the attenuation within the material 确定界面上反射和穿越声波的相对能量值 Determine the relative amounts of sound energy coupled through and reflected at an interface 确定材料内的声束传播 Determine the beam spread within the material 斜探头耦合到试件上,增大入射角直至第二临界角,则: When angle beam contact testing a test piece. Increasing the incident angle until the second critical angle is reached results in: 表面波全反射 Total reflection of a surface wave 横波产生45°折射 45°refraction of the shear wave 产生表面波 Production of a surface wave 以上全是 All of the above 以下各类声波中,哪种具有多种或变化的波速: Of the following sound wave modes , which one has multiple or varying wave velocities: 纵波 Longitudinal wave 横波 Shear wave 剪切波 Transverse wave 兰姆波 Lamb wave 晶片厚度与幅射频率的关系是,晶片越薄: The crystal thickness and transducer frequency are related , The thinner the crystal: 频率越低 The lower the frequency 频率越高 The higher the frequency 无明显效果 There is no appreciable affect 以上全不对 None of the above 与换能器相邻的声压振荡区域,其长度受哪些影响: The length of the zone adjacent to a transducer in which fluctuations in sound pressure occur is mostly affected by: 换能器的频率 The frequency of the transducer 换能器的直径 The diameter of the transducer 换能器电缆长度 The length of transducer cable A和B A and B 频率增加时,给定晶片的声束扩散角度会: As frequency increase


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