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26 2 Vol. 26,No. 2 2005 6 IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM June 2005 郭培民, 赵 沛 ( , 100081) : , , C SiO - C Si O - C TiO , 3 3 2 7 3 , , , , , , , : ; ; ; ; : X757 : A : 1004- 7638( 2005) 02- 0005- 06 Technical Analysis on Selective Separation and Enrichment of Ti- bearing Blast Furance Slag Based on Phase Diagrams Guo Peimin, Zh o Pei ( Centr l Iron nd Steel Rese rch Institute, Beijing 100081, Chin ) Abstract:Technic l nd economic l fe sibilities on selective sep r tion nd enrichment of tit nium cont ining BF sl g were conducted. For the route of selective sep r tion nd enrichment with c lcium oxide, perovskite sep r tes out more sufficiently when sl g composition is djusted to the region C SiO3- C 3Si2O7- C TiO3. Gr vity sep r tion method is not suit ble due to slight difference of ph ses. densities. Addition lly, post- tre tment of enrichment sl g is very difficult nd expensive. For the route of selective sep r tion nd enrich- ment with sodium oxide, it is very difficult for one- step route to produce quite pure enriched sl g. Centr l Iron nd Steel Rese rch Institute invented two- step route, which could produce high qu lity enriched sl g, u- tilize silicon resource nd use sodium resource repe tedly. Therefore high effective nd green process comes into being for utilizing tit nium sl g comprehensively. Key ords:Ti- be ring BF sl g; ph se di gr m; sep r tion; enrichment; comprehensive utiliz tion 其TiO 含量过高; 用来冶 钛铁合金或生产钛白等 0 引言


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