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参杞养生酒 功效中英文

参杞养生酒怡安养生酒) 中药滋补精华浆 Chinese Herbal Tonifying Essence Syrup 本品得自清代名医念安秘方真传,选用人参,枸杞子,灵芝等多种名贵中药材及纯正米酒,采用现代中药的参漉提取技术,先进的生产工艺,原方炼制而成。本品因其独特的功效曾被清廷选为皇室御品,百余年来畅销港,澳,台及东南亚各地。 The product?derives from secret prescriptions of a famous doctor- Nian An in Qing dynasty. Using Ginseng, Barbary Wolfberry Fruit, Glossy Ganoderma, etc, different kinds of valuable and rare Chinese herb with pure rice wine, the product adopted the advanced Chinese medicine extractive technique and refined following the original prescriptions. Due to the unique effects, it’s selected as Qing dynasty royal product, and has been selling well in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other Southeast Asia areas for over a hundred year. 清 代 名 医 念 安 秘 方 Secret Recipe by Qing Dynasty Famous Doctor Nian’an [主要成分]人参,冬虫夏草,海马,哈蚧,灵芝,阿胶,石斛,黄芪,当归,白芍,熟地黄,何首乌,枸杞子,黄精,核桃仁,龙眼肉,桑椹子,黑枣、杜仲,覆盆子,益智仁,芡实,白果,党参,白术,淮山药,麦冬,百合,玉竹,五味子,酸枣仁,砂仁[Main Ingredients] Ginseng, Chinese Caterpillar Fungus, Sea Horse, Tokay Gecko, Glossy Ganoderma, Donkey-hide Glue, Dendrobium,Milkvetch root, Chinese Angelica,White Peony Root,Prepared Rehmannia Root,Fleeceflower Root,Barbary Wolfberry Fruit,Solomonseal Rhizome, English Walnut Seed, Longan Aril,Mulberry Fruit,Black Date, Eucommia Bark,Palmleaf Raspberry Fruit, Fruit of sharpleaf Calangal, Gordon Euryale Seed, Ginkgo Seed, Tangseng,Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome,Common Yam Rhizome,Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber, Lily Bulb, Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome, Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit,Spine Date Seed, Villous Amomum Fruit,Indian Bread, Chrysanthemum Flower, Liquorice Root, RiceWine, Bee Honey, etc. [Description] This product is thick liquid of brown, sweet and slightly bitter. [产品型号] 1、浓缩型;2、超浓缩型;详见各包装盒标示。 [Type Specification] 1. Concentrated; 2. Hyperconcentrated; Detaials on the packing. [包装规格] 1、玻璃瓶包装;2、(1)125毫升/瓶,(2)500毫升/瓶,(3)750毫升/瓶,(4)1000毫升/瓶;详见各包装盒标示。 [Packaging] 1.Glass bottle packing; 2.(1)125ml/bottle, (2)500ml/bottle, (3)750ml/bottle, (4)1000ml/bottle; Detaials on the packing [酒 精 度] (32度。 [Alcohol



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