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25 1 V o l. 25 N o. 1 20 10 2 JOU RNAL OF SHANDONG J IANZHU UN IVER SITY Feb. 2010 : 167 3- 7644 20 10) 01- 0014 - 04 T i CrV 罗辉, 唐琳琳, 张元彬, 霍玉双, 周林林 , 250101) : T iVCr, Q235B , , T i VCr , , T iC , T i Cr , , : ; ; : TQ164; TG 44 5 : A M icrostructure and perform ance of the Febased Ti, Cr, V powder buildup weldingm etal by tungsten inert gas welding LU O H u,i TANG L inlin, ZHANG Yuanb in, et a l. Schoo l of M a teria ls Sc ience and Eng ineer ing, Shandong J ianzhu U n iv ers ity, J inan 250101, Ch ina) Abstract: D ifferent F ebased alloy pow ders, obtained by m ix ing the pow erfu l carb ideform ers of T ,i V and Cr, are prep laced on Q235B steel plate surface by u sing sod ium silicate as bond agent. Then, buildup we ld ing is perfo rm ed using T IG arc as a heat source and the m icrostructures and properties o f the deposited m eta l are tested. T he expermi ental resu lts show that the strengthening phases of insitu antigen ic com pounds are ob tained through T IG arc bu ildup w e ld ing o f F ebased powders. The m or pho log ies o f the strengthening phases present as polygon, round or snow shape, respect ively. T he po lygonal com pound is carbide o f T iw ith considerable quant ity. The snowshaped one is com plex car b ide w ith its core be ing carb ide of T ,i w hich is surrounded by carb ide of C r. Due to the ir h igh hard ness and un ifo rm d istribut ion, the carbides can help to mi prove the hardness and w ear resistance o f the deposited m eta.l K ey words: Febased powder; buildup w e ld ing; m icrostructure and perfo rm ance 0


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