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2005 年 9 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 Vol.20 No.9 第 20 卷第 9 期 TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Sep. 2005 一种利于开关磁阻电机降噪的新散热筋结构 孙剑波 詹琼华 (华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院 武汉 430074 ) 摘要 振动和噪声问题阻碍了开关磁阻电机的推广应用。由于定子的径向振动是开关磁阻电 机噪声的主要根源,因此定子振动系统的模态分析是降噪研究的有效手段。本文在散热筋用料一 定的条件下,通过改变散热筋结构形式、高度、根数以及形状,建立了八种计算模型,利用三维 有限元模态分析对这些模型进行了仔细的分析和比较,最后得出了最有利于降噪和散热的散热筋 结构是高度高、根数多、上窄下宽的梯形截面的周向散热筋的结论。本文的研究对于低噪声开关 磁阻电机设计具有很好指导意义。 关键词:开关磁阻电机 振动 模态分析 散热筋 中图分类号:TM352 A Novel Radiating Rib Structure of Switched Reluctance Motor for Low Acoustic Noise Sun Jianbo Zhan Qionghua (Huazhong University of Science Technology Wuhan 430074 China ) Abstract The problems of vibration and acoustic noise limit the application of Switched Reluctance Motors. As the radial vibration of stator is the origin of the acoustic noise of Switched Reluctance Motors, modal analysis of stator vibration is the effective way to the research of low acoustic noise. Eight computative models are constructed by varying the structural forms, height, quantity and shape of radiating ribs in this paper under the condition of the same amount of radiating rib material. Three-dimension finite element modal analysis is adopted to analyze and compare these models carefully. Eventually, the conclusion is drawn that the ring form ribs’ scheme of higher, more quantity, and narrow-top broad-bottom trapezoid is the best choice to reduce the acoustic noise and improve heat dissipation under the condition that the amount of rib material keeps constant. The


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