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35 5 ( ) 200 9 Vol. 35 . 5 Journal of Anhui Normal University( Hum . Soc. Sci. ) Sept. 200 ! ∀! ∀ ### ∃黄鹤楼%∃凤凰台%接受史比较研究* 陈 文 忠 ( , , 241003) : ∃黄鹤楼%; ∃凤凰台%; 接受史比较;! 影响的焦虑∀ ;! 批评的焦虑∀ : 崔颢的∃黄鹤楼%是精美绝伦而 通俗易诵的唐诗经典之一∃黄鹤楼%传诵之初,李白登斯楼尝有 ! 眼前有景道不得, 崔颢题诗在上头∀ 之叹一首∃黄鹤楼%竟让绝代诗仙称首, 实在是一 个奇迹于是唐代 以来的接受者围绕∃黄鹤楼%及其影响, 展开了热烈争论一部∃黄鹤楼%的接受史也因此可以一分为三: 一 是由∃黄鹤楼%的影响史引发的! 影响的焦虑∀ ; 二是! 崔颢体∀ 的提出及美学阐释; 三是崔李! 优劣论∀ 中表现 的! 批评的焦虑∀ 从! 影响的焦虑∀ 到! 批评的焦虑∀ , 是∃黄鹤楼%和∃凤凰台%接受史最显著的特点, 也是文 学经典接受史中较普遍的现象 : I 06; I 20 . 209 : A :200 ) From! Anxiety of Influence∀ to ! Anxiety of Criticism∀# ## A Comparative Study of ! Yellow Crane Tower∀ and ! M ounting the Phoenix Terrace of Jin Ling∀ CHEN Wenzhong ( Colleg e of Ch inese L ang uag e and L iter at ur e , A N U, W uh u A nh ui 24 1003, Ch ina) Key words: ! Yellow Crane T ow er∀ ;! Mounting the Phoenix T errace of Jin Ling∀ ; comparison of reception history; ! anxiety of inf luence∀; ! anxiety of crit icism∀ Abstract: ! Yellow Crane Tower∀ , w rit ten by Cui H ao, w as a wonderful and exoteric poetry canon of Tang . At the beginning of spreading this poem, Li Bai came t o the t ow er and said: ! The scenery in front of my eyes can not be depicted by another poem because Cui H ao has inscribed one high up on t he tower .∀ It is a real miracle that ! Yellow Crane Tower∀ made the unparalleled poet Li Bai crow n it as the best. T hereupon, the receivers since the Tang dynasty have been disputing heatedly over the poem ! Yellow Crane Tow er∀ and its influence. Accordingly, the reception hist ory of ! Yellow Crane Tower∀ can be divided into three types: One is the! anxiety of criticism∀ w hic



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