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在vs中利用ivf进行openmp的程序设计 一:设置成openmp的可使用配置 我的配置是IVF11.1,vstudio2008,Openmp3,进入代码界面后要设置属性,---fortran--language--process--OpenMp Dirctives为Generate parallel code如图所示: 右键/属性 这个并行的问题,我研究了很长时间,首先你要明确以下几点才能并行: 1 你的计算机是双核以上的 2 计算机的系统是64位的如XP64位(原因是现在的CPU多是采用64位架构,因此系统也要是64位的0,当然23位的也是可以的。关键是确定你的cpu和对应的ivf 3 你所用的IVF有64位组件,也异是在安装时会有64MT。。。(在安装的过程中可以看到这个组件的安装) 4 在IVF中要配置参数,project--(×) properties/fortran/language/process/openMP Directives ——generate parallel code(Qopenmp) 5 你的程序可以并行,即程序中有可以并行的地方,前后没有逻辑关系 基本上把这几点弄懂了,差不多可以进行简单的并行计算了 program main !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! MAIN is the main program for TEST_OMP. ! ! Discussion: ! ! TEST_OMP estimates the value of PI. ! ! This program uses Open MP parallelization directives. ! ! It should run properly whether parallelization is used or not. ! ! However, the parallel version computes the sum in a different ! order than the serial version; some of the quantities added are ! quite small, and so this will affect the accuracy of the results. ! ! Modified: ! ! 29 January 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! A FORTRAN 90 module may be available: ! ! use omp_lib ! ! A FORTRAN 77 include file may be available: ! ! include omp_lib.h ! implicit none integer, parameter :: r4_logn_max = 9 integer id integer nthreads integer omp_get_num_procs integer omp_get_num_threads integer omp_get_thread_num call timestamp ( ) write ( *, (a) ) write ( *, (a) ) TEST_OMP write ( *, (a) ) FORTRAN90 version write ( *, (a) ) write ( *, (a) ) Estimate the value of PI by summing a series. write ( *, (a) ) write ( *, (a) ) This program includes Open MP directives, which write ( *, (a) ) may be used to run the program in parallel. write ( *, (a) ) write ( *, (a) ) The number of processors available: write ( *, (a,i8) ) OMP_GET_NUM_PROCS () = , omp_get_num_procs ( ) nthreads =


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