
Obtaining ultra-long copper nanowires via a hydrothermal process.pdf

Obtaining ultra-long copper nanowires via a hydrothermal process.pdf

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Obtaining ultra-long copper nanowires via a hydrothermal process.pdf

Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience Obtaining ultra-long copper nanowires via a hydrothermal process This article has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text article. 2005 Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 6 761 (/1468-6996/6/7/A09) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: 58 The article was downloaded on 21/06/2011 at 14:24 Please note that terms and conditions apply. The STAM archive is now available from the IOP Publishing website /journals/STAM Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 6 (2005) 761–765 /locate/stam Obtaining ultra-long copper nanowires via a hydrothermal process Yu Shi, Hong Li, Liquan Chen, Xuejie Huang* Nanoscale Physics and Devices Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. O. Box 603, Beijing 100080, China Received 15 March 2005; revised 10 June 2005; accepted 10 June 2005 Available online 13 September 2005 Abstract Ultra-long and uniform copper nanowires with controllable diameters of 30–100 nm, length up to several millimeters (aspect ratio O105) and tunable crystallinity were obtained by hydrothermal processing the complex emulsion of copper (II) chloride and ODA at 120–180 8C. Both XRD pattern and EDX spectrum indicated that the products were pure copper without any observable impurities. It is observed by FESEM that the diameters and aspect ratios of the synthesized copper nanowires were influenced by the concentration


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