
QSB For suppliers Chinese.ppt

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QSB For suppliers Chinese.ppt

QSB Workshop REV.10 多功能小组决定每一道工序至少的培训内容A cross functional team shall define the minimum training content for each operation. 此组织决定谁来实施培训The organization shall identify who will conduct training. 培训员监督新操作员的行动,必要时重新培训以确保标准工作指导被遵循Trainers shall monitor new operators’ activities and retrain if necessary to assure Standard Work Instructions are being followed. 培训员通知下道工序潜在的缺陷The trainer shall notify downstream operations of potential defects. 此组织应建立必要的文件及跟踪方法The organization shall establish required documentation and tracking methods. 培训者应指导操作员使用标准操作员培训表Trainers shall instruct operators using the standard operator training sheet. (Example) 操作员跟踪表应张贴在每一操作位置通过分层审核检验Operator Tracking Sheets shall be posted at each operation and verified through Layered Audits. Scheduling of refresher training for assigned operators is at local site discretion. 追加的雇员如果在最近三个月内没有经过培训不能执行工作Supplemental employees shall not perform the job unless they have been trained within the last three months. 培训者应定期检验质量以确保达到所有的标准。最起码培训者应在一个换班与一天内报告。The trainer shall verify quality at a frequency determined necessary to assure all standards are met. At a minimum the trainer shall return within the shift and again within approximately one day. 操作员培训应记录在“操作员培训跟踪表”里Operator training shall be tracked on “Trained Operator Tracking Sheets”. (Example) 定义PFMEA 结构化程序适合于与失效模式有关的识别和排除方法A structured procedure for identifying and eliminating process related failure modes. 识别每一个过程步骤的分析技术 An analytical technique that identifies for each process step 程序可能不能达到要求的情形 Ways that a process may fail to meet requirements 内在/外部消费者的严重度Consequences to the internal / external customer (严重度) 失效可能发生的频率Frequency that the failure will/could happen (发生频率) 当前控制的效果Effectiveness of current controls (预防核可探测度) 原因和结果的排队Ranking of causes and effects (风险顺序数) 前5位高RPN值跟踪表 防错装置确认ERROR PROOFING VERIFICATION (Example) (Example) 经验教训总结 Ask the supplier if they have error proof and detection devices. Do they have a verification procedure? All error


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