(ebook) Practical FIR Filter Design in MATLAB.pdf

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(ebook) Practical FIR Filter Design in MATLAB.pdf

R Practical FIR Filter Design in MATLAB Revision 1.1 Ricardo A. Losada The MathWorks, Inc. 3 Apple Hill Dr. Natick, MA 01760, USA January 12, 2004 Abstract 4 Optimal equiripple designs with fixed transi- tion width and peak passband/stopband ripple 7 This tutorial white-paper illustrates practical aspects of FIR 4.1 Minimum-phase designs with fixed tran- filter design and fixed-point implementation along with the sition width and peak passband/stopband algorithms available in the Filter Design Toolbox and the ripple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Signal Processing Toolbox for this purpose. The emphasis is mostly on lowpass filters, but many of the 5 Optimal equiripple designs with fixed peak rip- results apply to other filter types as well. ple and filter order 8 The tutorial focuses on practical aspects of filter design 5.1 Minimum-phase designs with fixed peak and implementation, and on the advantages and disadvan- ripple and filter order . . . . . . . . . . . 9 tages of the different design algorithms. The theory behind the design algori


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