
《1998 Branch and Bound methods for the multi-processor job shop and flow shop scheduling problems》.pdf

《1998 Branch and Bound methods for the multi-processor job shop and flow shop scheduling problems》.pdf

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《1998 Branch and Bound methods for the multi-processor job shop and flow shop scheduling problems》.pdf

BranchandBound Metho ds for the MultiPro cessor Job Shop and Flow Shop Scheduling Problems Michael Perregaard Department of Computer Science University of Cop enhagen Universitetsparken DK Cop enhagen East email p erredikudk June Abstract The MultiPro cessor Job Shop and Flow Shop scheduling problems are variants on the standard Job Shop and Flow Shop problems in which each machine has the capacity to pro cess more than one job simultaneously This class of problems has attracted the attention of researchers in recent years and several lower b ounds has b een prop osed for a Branch andBound solution metho d But only a few attempts has b een made to develop a complete BranchandBound scheme in which these lower b ounds can b e used In this pap er which is based on we present three dierent BranchandBound metho ds where the rst two are similar to existing metho ds prop osed in and and the third is our new prop osal To completely test the BranchandBound metho ds some heuristic meth o ds to build initial solutions based on the Shifting Bottleneck pro ce dure and Simulated Annealing dierent branching strategies and the known lower b ounds has b een implemented These lower b ounds include the On 2 SubSet Bound and the Adjusted SubSet Bound pro p osed by A Vandevelde et al and an improved Omnl og n Jack sons Pseudo Preemptive Schedule prop osed by J Carlier and E Pin son In addition a test suite of problems has b een generated for the purp ose of testing the metho ds


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