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Macromolecules 2007, 40, 6217 Combination of Living Radical Polymerization and Click Chemistry for Surface Modification Rajesh Ranjan and William J. Brittain* Department of Polymer Science, The Uni ersity of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325 Recei ed March 10, 2007; Reised Manuscript Receied June 12, 2007 ABSTRACT: A novel reversible addition fragmentation technique chain transfer agent (RAFT CTA) was synthesized which permits the possibility of using RAFT polymerization and click chemistry together for surface modification. Using this RAFT CTA, the surface of silica nanoparticles was modified with polystyrene and polyacrylamide brushes via the “grafting to” approach. A click reaction was used to attach polymers onto the surface which produced relatively high grafting density. Both tethered polystyrene and polyacrylamide chains were found in the brush regime. The combination of ATRP and click chemistry was also explored for surface modification. To our knowledge, this is first report of RAFT polymerization and click chemistry together for surface modification. Introduction coupling to yield PS containing triazole linkages in the repeat The development of controlled free radical polymerization units. Matyjaszewski et al.8,9 also synthesized ,-dihydroxy- is among the most important advances in polymer chemistry.1 polystyrene and star polymers via ATRP and click chemistry. Living polymerization techniques afford control over molecular Macrocyclic polymer, neoglycopolymer, and first-generation weight, molecular weigh


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