《Light Team 团队介绍资料》.ppt

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《Light Team 团队介绍资料》.ppt

* 我们的口号:积极参与,秀出自我! Our slogan:Do the most,show the best! 组长:徐婉琪 小组成员 The member of our team 组员:余云 林维雯 戴泽群 成员介绍 姓名:徐婉琪 班级:经济一班 性格:友善,热情,自信 friendly,enthusastic,confident 兴趣:阅读,旅行,看英语电影 reading,travel,see English films 优势:责任心强,学习能力强,英语听,写能力强,有志于考取四六级证书和各种计算机证书,学习各种办公室专业技能 be strong in responsibility,be good at learning ,be good at listining ang writing. And I want to pass the CET and some competer exams,and learn some skills in office 就业方向:从事经济学相关工作,偏向金融行业 work in the jobs on economy,financial jobs would be better. 成员介绍 姓名:余云 班级:经济一班 性格:比较慢热,但和大家混熟以后在团队里会很活泼,开朗 slow type of people ,but once am familiar with people I will be a happy and outgoing person 兴趣:跑步,打羽毛球,轮滑 爱好:running. play shuttlecock .skidding 优势:做事有耐心 always do things with patience 就业方向:从事政府方面的工作性格:work for government 成员介绍 成员介绍 姓名:林维雯 班级:经济一班 性格:豪放,热情,活泼,自信 straightforward,enthusastic,active,confident 兴趣:吃,听音乐,看书,溜冰,旅游,交友 taste the yummy food,listen the music, read book,skating,tourism,make friends 优势:拼读,计算机基本技术,表演 spelling and reading,the essential computer technology,perform 就业方向:打算弄一个会计师证,有能力的可能会读注册会计师,大四实习努力到一个外资企业运用经济学做相关工作毕业后到国企做会计师或经济分析师相关工作,有足够的能力后打算创业,我想开一家网店。 I plan to take a accounting certificate and do my best to study the chartered public accountant.Then ,I hope to work in a foreign-owner company in the fourth year and to do some jobs about economic analyst or another in a state-owner company .And I really want to open a on-line shop when in university .Next I will start my business to realize my dream. 成员介绍 姓名:戴泽群 班级:经济一班 性格:活泼开朗,乐观向上 outstanding,positive 兴趣:看书,听歌,打羽毛球 reading,listen to songs,play badminton 优势:沟通能力好,善于思考,有耐心,细心 be good at communicating,be patient,be careful 就业方向:国有中大型企业,外资企业,各级政府管理部门,科研院所,高等院校 Large and medium-sized state-owner enterprises ,foreign enterprises with foreign captial .The management of goverment departments ,sicientific research institute, institutions of higher learning,colleges and


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