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2.1 3个提案: 成山角水域船舶定线制修订提案 成山角水域船舶报告制修订提案 成山角水域警戒区内推荐交通流方向的提案 1 2 3 大连海事大学 中国海事局 2.2 定位问题: 大连海事大学 3 程序和责任 3.2 在决定是否通过或修改某一分道通航制时,IMO将考虑: .1 所建议的航标,能否使海员在该分道通航制中航行时,按经修正的《1972年避碰规则》第10条的规定,得到足够精确的船位; 中国海事局 2.2 定位问题: 大连海事大学 NAV 58/3/1 Recommended route in the Mozambique Channel Position-fixing in relation to the routeing system 26 Existing aids to navigation are considered adequate and are being upgraded with funding from Governments and from the Project. These facilities will be upgraded when and wherever possible. Position fixing is supported by several aids to navigation along the proposed recommended route. 中国海事局 2.2 定位问题: 大连海事大学 Position-fixing in relation to the routeing system 27 The GEF WIO/MHD/CMPP Project intends providing Automatic Identification System base-stations to five of the States, the Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique and the United Republic of Tanzania and with South Africa already having a sophisticated network of stations along their coastline, this could provide coverage of the route. 28 There is electronic navigational chart (ENC) coverage of the area provided through the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, particularly for the recommended route. 中国海事局 2.3 定线制及其附近水域海道测量的要求: 大连海事大学 3.2 在决定是否通过或修改某一分道通航制时,IMO将考虑: .2 该区域的海道测量状况是否充分;*? ?* 最低标准将用于指导海道测量,以证明在建议的或经修正的分道通航制或深水航路或其他定线措施的通航分道中的海图水深的精确度,它是那些定义在国际海道组织(IHO)第44号特别出版物,《IHO海道测量标准——深海测深分类标准——可疑数据清除程序》中的内容。 中国海事局 2.3 定线制及其附近水域海道测量的要求: 大连海事大学 NAV 58/3/1 Recommended route in the Mozambique Channel As a module of this Project the survey of the route, as depicted in this document, was and is at present frequented by the vessels posing the greatest threat. It was surveyed to International Hydrographic Organization standards in 2010 by the French State organization Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine (SHOM). 中国海事局 2.3 定线制及其附近水域海道测量的要求: 大连海事大学 NAV 58/3/1 Recommended route in the Mozambique Channel This data has already been made available to international charting


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