unit 3全套可用.ppt

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unit 3全套可用

New words and expressions Pierce V.刺穿;刺破 pierced-- get one’s ears pierced         打耳洞(使某人的耳朵被打洞) A: Do you agree that teenagers should be allowed to 1c Pairwork not serious enough Serious be serious about sth Are you serious? (It’s) Nothing serious. 1. stop doing 停止做某事 He should stop wearing that silly earrings. stop to do 停下来做另件事 Don’t talk. Stop (talking) to do your homework. 2.人+need to do sth. He needs time to cut his hair. 物+need to be done. His hair needs to be cut. 3. Kind of 有几分 He is kind of cute. a kind of …一种 It is a kind of animal. 4.Spend time with sb. 花时间和某人… Listen again. Fill in the blanks with correct forms Do not spit everywhere, does not throw trash.不随地吐痰,不乱扔垃圾 Do not say dirty words.不说脏话 Do not quarrel with sb. 不跟他人吵架 Do not fight with sb. 不跟他人打架 Respect our teachers and classmates. 尊重老师和同学 Love flowers and plants. 爱护花草 Follow/Obey the school rules.遵守学校纪律 …… Explanation 1. So do we So do we 为倒装句, 其结构是So + be 动词/助动词/情态动词+主语, 在时态上应和上一句保持一致。应翻译为“我们也是这样”, 用英文解释是: We have a lot of rules at my house, too. Pairwork (1b: P21) Sample dialogue 1: A: Do you ever get to class late? B: Yes, I sometimes get to class late. Sample dialogue 2: A: Do you ever worry that you’ll fail a test? B: Yes, I always worry about that. Sample dialogue 3: A: Do you ever forget to do your homework? B: Oh, no. I never forget to do my homework. Listening ( 2b P21) 1. Peter is going to… 2. He isn’t allowed to… 3. Peter wasn’t allowed to… 4. He could… 5. He should be allowed to… 1.What do the students in this article think about the school uniforms? The students think the uniforms are ugly. 2.What kind of clothes do they want to wear? They would like to wear their own clothes. 3.How do they like to study? The students would like to study in groups. 4.What is their idea about vacations? They think vacations should be longer. 5.Why is it good to volunteer? Volunteer


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