《Profile on vacuum metallized film-China Evergreen Packaging and Printing》.pdf

《Profile on vacuum metallized film-China Evergreen Packaging and Printing》.pdf

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《Profile on vacuum metallized film-China Evergreen Packaging and Printing》.pdf

One-stop services for flexible packaging One-stop services for flexible packaging OOnnee--ssttooppsseerrvviicceessffoorrfflleexxiibblleeppaacckkaaggiinngg On Vacuum Metallized Film On Vacuum Metallized Film OOnnVVaaccuuuummMMeettaalllliizzeeddFFiillmm 1 Introduction of vacuum metalized film 1 Introduction of vacuum metalized film 11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonnooffvvaaccuuuumm mmeettaalliizzeedd ffiillmm Metallized film is a kind of particular plastic film that is achieved by plating a very thin aluminum layer onto the surface of plastic film through special craftsmanship. In this meaning, metalized film is a flexible lamination packaging material. With some funcations combined together, such as high barrier performance, clean, odourless, economic, and environment friendly, metalized films and its extended materials such asKVMPET、KVM-BOPP、KVMPVC are becomingmore and morepreferred bythe market and packaging industry. 1.1 Processing of metalized film 1.1 Processing of metalized film 11..11 PPrroocceessssiinngg ooff mmeettaalliizzeedd ffiillmm The most common used processing method is vacuum metallization that evaporate pure aluminum wire under high temperature in vacuum system and then deposit the aluminum vapor onto the surface of the film, so that enables plastic film of bright metallic effects. It is a widely used packaging material with excellent advantages of economic, performance, and applicable asit combine the characteristics of plastic film and metal. Zhaode Industrial Zone, Qingzhou City Shandong Province Zhaode Industrial Zone, Qingzhou City Shandong Province ZZhhaaooddeeIInndduussttrriiaall ZZoonnee,,QQiinnggzzhhoouuCCiittyy SShhaannddoonnggPPrroovviinnccee Telephone Fax: 0086-536-3208607 Post Code: 262500 Telephone Fax: 0086-536-3


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