《TThe man in the water课件》.ppt

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《TThe man in the water课件》.ppt

Sharing How a real hero should be? candid 正直的 warm-hearted 热心肠的 dedicated有奉献精神的 purposeful意志坚强的 supportive 助人的 straightforward老实的 courageous有胆量的 forceful(性格)坚强的 virtuous善良的 贞洁的 sporting光明正大的 generous宽宏大量的 cultured有教养的 tireless孜孜不倦的 sensible明白事理的 The Man in the Water para.1 Useful phrases and words: as disasters go:就灾难而言 air crash空难 on record记载 high traffic交通高峰期 The city of form and rules这个整齐美丽,井然有序的城市 chaotic混乱的,无秩序的 a blast of real winter一阵寒冬突降的强风 fly around盘旋 aesthetic clash具有美学意义的冲突 as well 同样 sink down沉没 gray chunk of ice 灰色的巨大冰块 all that was worth noticing毫无疑问 bring millions to tears or to attention让千百万人为之落泪或予以关注 Detailed discussion: 1.There was the unusual element of the bridge, of course, and the fact that the plane hit it at a moment of high traffic.(第二句) element: here means “factor”(因素) 当然,这次交通事故的一个特别之处是它牵涉到一座大桥,而且飞机在交通高峰期撞到了桥上。 2. And there was the aesthetic clash as well –blue-and-green Air Florida, the name of a flying garden, sunk down among gray chunks of ice in a black river.(第七行) Air Florida: 佛罗里达航空公司 “the name of a flying garden”作 “Air Florida”的同位语,由“sunk down ”引导的过去分词短语作定语,修饰Air Florida 还有那颇富美学意义的视觉冲突---- 一架蓝绿相间的佛罗里达航班,一架名称有有空中花园之意的航班,在黝深的河水中,灰色的巨大冰块间沉没。 3 Still ,there was noting very special in any of it, except death ,which, while always special ,does not necessarily bring millions to tears or to attention.(倒数第三行) “While”在该句中意为”although”.后面引导的是让步状语从句的省略结构“(it is ) always special”. 不过,这其中仍然没有任何独特之处,除了死亡,而死亡虽然总是比较特别,但并不见得能让千百万人为之落泪或予以关注。 4, Why ,then, the shock here? 该句为省略句,在新闻写作中经常出现,起突出强调的作用。 Why was there such a shock here? Eg; Living Costs Going Up Living costs are going up. * *


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