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得利满高密度沉淀池V 型滤池应用技术手册(一) 技术规格及工艺描述 技术规格及工艺描述 1. General Process Description / 工艺综述 Party B is responsible for the following wastewater treatment process: 乙方负责的污水处理工艺如下: - Inlet screen chamber,aearation tank and buffer tank 进水格栅间,曝气池及调节水池 - Lifting pump station 提升泵站 - Repartition structure of raw water to the Densadeg® 高密度沉淀池的进水配水构筑物 - Densadeg® (high efficiency physical-chemical settling tanks) 高密度沉淀池(高效物化沉淀池) - Mixer and Repartition Structure after Densadeg® 高密度沉淀池后的混合及配水构筑物 - V-Filter V 型滤池 - Sludge dewatering system 污泥的脱水系统 - Coagulant storage and dosing system 混凝剂贮存和投加系统 - Lime preparation and dosing system 石灰制备和投加系统 - Flocculant preparation and dosing system 絮凝剂制备和投加系统 - Acid storage and dosing system 酸的贮存和投加系统 - Electricity and Automation system 配电和自控系统 Following is the proposed process diagram. 工艺流程图如下 : 2 Description Of Main Structure / 主要 构筑物说明 The effluent to be treated comes from various plants of the Steelworks, and contains some domestic sewage. Each plant is operating with different characteristics and timing. The expected effluents will therefore undergo variations in quantity and quality that shall be minimized to optimize the efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant described hereafter. 将要处理的污水来自钢铁厂,其中还包含部分的生活污水。各个工厂的操作具有不同的特点 和时间。因此,预计的污水在水量和水质上会有变化,应最大限度地减少这一变化,以优化 污水处理厂的效率。 The effluent will arrive into a homogenization and buffer tank after flowing through the coarse and fine screen, and then be pumped to the coagulation and repartition structure. 污水通过粗格栅和细格栅后将进入均化缓冲池,然后由泵提升到混凝配水构筑物。 The buffer tank is designed to have a retention time as long as possible, and it has been finally decided to take 2.5 hours on peak flow of the inlet water through discussions, and that the tank has to be covered. Ra


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