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北京印刷学院职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文)说明书 论文题目: “特思琪”梳打饼干包装设计 学生姓名: 张琪 学号: 专 业: 包装设计与技术 指导教师: 专业 班 2012年 6月4日 摘 要 梳打饼干作为一种方便食品,以其便捷的包装、优质的口感,深受各年龄段的消费者喜爱。随着社会发展的快速前进,快节奏的生活成为了社会生活的主旋律。在当今市场强烈的角逐中,产品包装已成为强有力的营销手段。由于越来越多的产品在超和折扣商店里以自助的形式出售包装必须推销尽量采用绿色包装材料,减少包装物废弃后对环境的污染减少包装设计中使用的材料,,以节资源。Logo设计、外包装文字、图案等装潢设计;此外还根据装潢需求进行印刷方案选择;成本的核算。该论文结合消费人群的特点,通过划分消费者,设计出了一套新颖的梳打饼干包装系统,对梳打饼干包装的发展方向进行了探索,为梳打饼干厂家提供了较为经济实惠的包装设计参考类型。 关键词:“特思琪”梳打饼干 包装系统设计经济环保包装 ABSTRACT Soda crackers as a convenience food, with its convenient packaging, the quality of taste, by the consumers of all ages love. With the social development of fast forward, fast-paced life has become the main theme of social life. In todays strong market competition, product packaging has become a powerful marketing tool. Strategic positioning is accurate, the product packaging design, consumer psychology, can enhance product quality, to help businesses stand out in many competing brands, which will add value-added products and create more profit for the enterprise. As more and more products to sell in supermarkets and discount stores in the form of self-help, so we designed soda biscuit packaging must be on the basis of the original function, adding more elements, to reflect the role of marketing products. With the trend of todays society environmental design should be using green packaging materials, reducing packaging waste, pollution of the environment, reduce the materials used in packaging design, to avoid excessive packaging, in order to save resources. This by the suitability of the different categories of soda crackers and consumers to analyze, and explore the emotional economy era and a new packaging strategy, design of economic packaging. Trends a


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