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《小鬼当家》拍摄地 导演克里斯托弗·哥伦布说,他努力使电影看起来永恒。 “我们打算电影的感觉就像圣诞节,让我们充满了绿色和红色的房子。 我想要的房子,感觉就像一个温暖的地方。 “I wanted the house to feel like a warm place. I wanted the house to feel like a warm place.” Useful expressions He caught it in the butt. 他自作自受。 How you feel about your family is acomplicated thing. 家家都有一本难念的经。 The wonderful end LOGO LOGO 圣诞 * Home Alone 在片中凯文是一个大家庭中最年幼的成员,当他的家人飞往巴黎欢度圣诞时,他却意外地被遗下独自留在家中,而更复杂的是,凯文家不幸成为了一对贼匪的目标,小鬼凯文努力抵挡这两个匪徒,不惜翻天覆地,引发连场刺激惹笑的场面。 又名《宝贝智多星》,导演克里斯·哥伦布1990年推出的圣诞强档节目,不仅为广大电影爱好者带来了无限快乐,也使此片成了美国电影史上总票房排名第九的影片,是美国有史以来拍得最好的喜剧片,麦克利·克金更因此片成为史上最成功的童星之一,绝对够经典。 剧情介绍 美国经典影片 《小鬼当家》(Home Alone)的拍摄地,这 套位于芝加哥北部郊 区的红砖房,这是一套典型的美国家庭式住宅,拥有4间主套房,门廊、庭院等,房主约翰·阿本德斯恩与其妻子阿西亚在电影拍摄期间也一直居住于此。 Main Roles Kevin Marve Harry Characters Kevin Harry Marve Storyline It is Christmas Time and the McAllister family is preparing for a vacation in Paris, France. But, the youngest in the family named Kevin got into a scuffle with his older brother Buzz and was sent to his room which is on the third floor of his house. Then, the next morning, while the rest of the family were in a rush to make it to the airport on time, they completely forgot about Kevin who now has the house all to himself. Being home alone was fun for Kevin, having a pizza all to himself, jumping on his parents bed and making a mess. Then, Kevin discovers about 2 burglars, Harry and Marv about to rob his house on Christmas eve. Kevin acts quickly by wiring his own house with makeshift booby traps to stop the burglars and to bring them to justice. nail Merry Christmas ! Fan Fan Glue Cotton Heavy can 单击此处添加内容 LOGO LOGO 圣诞 *


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