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The Great Gatsby Theme American Dream —— Gatsby’s American Dream The relationship between money and love in Gatsby’s American Dream and also in our real life American Dream American Dream in Different Social and Historical Backgrounds American Dream in Different Social and Historical Backgrounds Gatsby’s American Dream Gatsby’s Pursuit of American Dream 1. Gatsby’s American Dream 2. Gatsby’s Efforts in Achieving His American Dream Gatsby’s American Dream is to win daisy’s love In order to make his American Dream come true, Gatsby not only tried every possible means including illegal trade of alcohol to make a fortune and even sacrificed morality , but also catches every chance to meet with Daisy, speaks out his feeling to her, tries his best to make Daisy believe in his love for her and gives Daisy everything he can. Gatsby’s American Dream Disillusionment of Gatsby’s American Dream Why Gatsby is great? On conclusion To live a meaningful life, we should carefully choose some dreams to pursue. And in the process of fulfilling our dreams, we should always be concious about what we really desire. Anyhow, only by pursuing the proper dreams can we finally get to the deep springs of happiness. Have a correct view of money. * * * —— by F. Scott Fitzgerald extravagant magnificent the huge visual impact In Colonial period, American Dream was the crying for wealth; In the later 18th century, people’s American Dream was to fight for democracy; In the Civil War period, Americans had a great fantasy for expansion; In the First World War, the American Dream is to pursue luxuriant life; In the 2nd World War, the American Dream is to achieve higher standard of life. As for Gatsby, the symbol of his final American Dream is to win the love of Daisy. Gatsby and Daisy belong to different kinds of people, they have different backgrounds and life styles, and their social statuses are not the same at all. It is doomed to be a failure if Gatsby wants to be in love


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