《2016 Q-Learning and Enhanced Policy Iteration in Discounted Dynamic Programming》.pdf

《2016 Q-Learning and Enhanced Policy Iteration in Discounted Dynamic Programming》.pdf

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MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Vol. 37, No. 1, February 2012, pp. 66–94 ISSN 0364-765X (print) ISSN 1526-5471 (online) /10.1287/moor.1110.0532 © 2012 INFORMS Q-Learning and Enhanced Policy Iteration in Discounted Dynamic Programming Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Huizhen Yu Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 {dimitrib@, janey_yu@ } We consider the classical finite-state discounted Markovian decision problem, and we introduce a new policy iteration-like algorithm for finding the optimal state costs or Q-factors. The main difference is in the policy evaluation phase: instead of solving a linear system of equations, our algorithm requires solving an optimal stopping problem. The solution of this problem may be inexact, with a finite number of value iterations, in the spirit of modified policy iteration. The stopping problem structure is incorporated into the standard Q-learning algorithm to obtain a new method that is intermediate between policy iteration and Q-learning/value iteration. Thanks to its special contraction properties, our method overcomes some of the traditional convergence difficulties of modified policy iteration and admits asynchronous deterministic and stochastic iterative implementations, with lower overhead and/or more reliable convergence over existing Q-learning schemes. Furthermore, for large-scale problems, where linear basis function approximations and simulation-based temporal difference implementations are used, our algorit


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